Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is a condition associated with decreased sharpness of vision, resulting in difficulty seeing fine details. It may be unilateral (one eye) or bilateral (both eyes).

Blurred vision may be an indication of an underlying eye condition such as short sightedness, long sightedness, glaucoma (damaged optic nerve), cataract (cloudy eye lens) and migraine (recurrent moderate to severe headaches). Blurred vision may also result from wearing damaged or dirty contact lenses or not wearing prescription eye glasses. Some medications such as antidepressants, oral contraceptives and heart medications may increase the risk of blurred vision. Symptoms associated with blurred vision include sensitivity to light, eye pain, dry eyes, poor night vision, itchy eyes, red spots in the eyes, and excessive tear production.

This condition can be diagnosed with the help of the following tests:

  • Slit-lamp examination: In this test, different parts of your eyes are examined to check for proper eye function using different intensities of light and magnification.
  • Refraction test: This test is used to measure the accuracy of your vision or the glasses/lens you are using. Your doctor asks you to read a chart and switches lenses of different strengths to check your visual acuity.
  • Tonometry: In this procedure, your eye pressure is checked with the help of an instrument called a tonometer. Your eyes will be numbed with the help of anaesthetic eye drops and fluorescein is instilled to help your doctor determine your eye pressure.

Treatment for blurred vision depends on the severity of the condition. The most common treatments are using prescription glasses or contact lens to correct your vision, and use of lubricating drops in case of dry eyes.

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